1. Name:-
(In Block Letters)
2. Father's Name:-
3. Address:-
Contact No:-
4. Designation:-
5. Organization:-
6. Pay Scale/ Consolidated Salary:-
7. Grade Pay:-
8. Date of Meeting/ Inspection:-
9. Purpose of Meeting & Journey:-
10. Last Pay Scale & GP If Retired:-
11. E-mail ID:-
12. Bank A/c No. (For ECS Payment):-
Bank IFS Code:
13. PAN:-
(A) Honorarium:- |
(B) TA/DA/Local Journey/Toll Tax etc.:- |
(C) Accommodation / Lodging Claim |
Grand Total: A+B+C = |
Certified that:-
(i) Particulars provided herewith are correct & that I have not claimed TA/DA for this Journey from any other Public Source and bill is submitted first time.
(ii) I was not provided free lodging and/or boarding at the cost of Govt. /University or any autonomous body if provided please attach Boarding/ Lodging/ Both Bills.
(iii) Certified that I shall perform the return journey from.
(iv) Certified that the I have travelled by shortest route and I will perform return Journey by same route and
mode of Conveyance/ as claimed and
mode of conveyance.
The above Meeting/ Journey claim is verified to be true & correct.
Verified By:-
Signature of Claimant |
Sign. & Name of Officer (Concerned Department)
For Use by Accounts Office Only
Head of Account:-
Passed for Rs/-
Or return in original with remarks as attached. |
Dealing Clerk |
Assistant Registrar |
Director Finance |
Note: The information entered above is not stored in the system and cannot be retrived in future. |